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EZ Controle WLogo CASA Agricole E?quipement Mate?riel Entreposage Silo Grain Conditionnement Convoyeur Se?choir Nettoyeur Crible Rotatif E?le?vateur Tours Passerelle


Get peace of mind thanks to mobile applications that allow you to monitor the crucial components of your system in real time. No more unpleasant surprises, equipment breakdowns, downtime and contamination risks!

The development in continuous improvement of the panels synchronized with their tailor-made mobile applications EZ CONTROLE accelerate your daily operations through a simple and flexible interface.

Our 2 categories of Grain automation Products

automatisation gamme casa Agricole equipement Materiel Entreposage Silo Grain Conditionnement Convoyeur Sechoir Nettoyeur Crible Rotatif elevateur Godet Tours Passerelle Soutien

Control panels

EZ CONTROL panels are custom designed to facilitate day-to-day operations.

opi blue bann Casa Agricole E?quipement Mate?riel Entreposage Silo Grain Conditionnement Convoyeur Se?choir Nettoyeur Crible Rotatif E?le?vateur Godet Tours Passerelle Soutien pad

opi blue

OPI Blue is a wireless grain management system that provides stored grain status information to your mobile and desktop devices.

Our 2 categories of Grain automation Products

automatisation gamme casa Agricole equipement Materiel Entreposage Silo Grain Conditionnement Convoyeur Sechoir Nettoyeur Crible Rotatif elevateur Godet Tours Passerelle Soutien


EZ CONTROL panels are custom designed to facilitate day-to-day operations.

opi blue bann Casa Agricole E?quipement Mate?riel Entreposage Silo Grain Conditionnement Convoyeur Se?choir Nettoyeur Crible Rotatif E?le?vateur Godet Tours Passerelle Soutien pad


OPI Blue est un sys­tème de ges­tion du grain à distance reliés à vos appa­reils mobiles et de bureau.

“Managing our grain bin remotely allows us to be ultra-responsive to logistical or weather situations, from anywhere and at any time. it's now difficult to do without it, it's almost magical.. »

Icone casa blanc blanc couleur
EZ Controle WLogo CASA Agricole E?quipement Mate?riel Entreposage Silo Grain Conditionnement Convoyeur Se?choir Nettoyeur Crible Rotatif E?le?vateur Tours Passerelle